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Get a bookmarks with the tag

Get the bookmarks with the tag

Path Parameters
tagId string REQUIRED
Query Parameters
limit number
cursor string

Object with list data.

bookmarks object[]
id string
createdAt string
title string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 250

archived boolean
favourited boolean
taggingStatus string

Possible values: [success, failure, pending]

note string OPTIONAL
summary string OPTIONAL
tags object[]
id string
name string
attachedBy string

Possible values: [ai, human]

assets object[]
id string
assetType string

Possible values: [screenshot, bannerImage, fullPageArchive, video, bookmarkAsset, unknown]

nextCursor string
GET /tags/:tagId/bookmarks
tagId — path
limit — query
cursor — query
curl -L 'undefined/api/v1/tags/:tagId/bookmarks' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'