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The app is mainly configured by environment variables. All the used environment variables are listed in packages/shared/config.ts. The most important ones are:

DATA_DIRYesNot setThe path for the persistent data directory. This is where the db and the uploaded assets live.
NEXTAUTH_URLYesNot setShould point to the address of your server. The app will function without it, but will redirect you to wrong addresses on signout for example.
NEXTAUTH_SECRETYesNot setRandom string used to sign the JWT tokens. Generate one with openssl rand -base64 36.
MEILI_ADDRNoNot setThe address of meilisearch. If not set, Search will be disabled. E.g. (http://meilisearch:7700)
MEILI_MASTER_KEYOnly in Prod and if search is enabledNot setThe master key configured for meilisearch. Not needed in development environment. Generate one with openssl rand -base64 36
MAX_ASSET_SIZE_MBNo4Sets the maximum allowed asset size (in MB) to be uploaded
DISABLE_NEW_RELEASE_CHECKNofalseIf set to true, latest release check will be disabled in the admin panel.

Authentication / Signup

By default, Hoarder uses the database to store users, but it is possible to also use OAuth. The flags need to be provided to the web container.


Only OIDC compliant OAuth providers are supported! For information on how to set it up, consult the documentation of your provider.


When setting up OAuth, the allowed redirect URLs configured at the provider should be set to <HOARDER_ADDRESS>/api/auth/callback/custom where <HOARDER_ADDRESS> is the address you configured in NEXTAUTH_URL (for example:

DISABLE_SIGNUPSNofalseIf enabled, no new signups will be allowed and the signup button will be disabled in the UI
DISABLE_PASSWORD_AUTHNofalseIf enabled, only signups and logins using OAuth are allowed and the signup button and login form for local accounts will be disabled in the UI
OAUTH_WELLKNOWN_URLNoNot setThe "wellknown Url" for openid-configuration as provided by the OAuth provider
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRETNoNot setThe "Client Secret" as provided by the OAuth provider
OAUTH_CLIENT_IDNoNot setThe "Client ID" as provided by the OAuth provider
OAUTH_SCOPENo"openid email profile""Full list of scopes to request (space delimited)"
OAUTH_PROVIDER_NAMENo"Custom Provider"The name of your provider. Will be shown on the signup page as "Sign in with <name>"
OAUTH_ALLOW_DANGEROUS_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_LINKINGNofalseWhether existing accounts in hoarder stored in the database should automatically be linked with your OAuth account. Only enable it if you trust the OAuth provider!

For more information on OAUTH_ALLOW_DANGEROUS_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_LINKING, check the next-auth.js documentation.

Inference Configs (For automatic tagging)

Either OPENAI_API_KEY or OLLAMA_BASE_URL need to be set for automatic tagging to be enabled. Otherwise, automatic tagging will be skipped.

  • The quality of the tags you'll get will depend on the quality of the model you choose.
  • You might want to tune the INFERENCE_CONTEXT_LENGTH as the default is quite small. The larger the value, the better the quality of the tags, but the more expensive the inference will be (money-wise on OpenAI and resource-wise on ollama).
OPENAI_API_KEYNoNot setThe OpenAI key used for automatic tagging. More on that in here.
OPENAI_BASE_URLNoNot setIf you just want to use OpenAI you don't need to pass this variable. If, however, you want to use some other openai compatible API (e.g. azure openai service), set this to the url of the API.
OLLAMA_BASE_URLNoNot setIf you want to use ollama for local inference, set the address of ollama API here.
OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVENoNot setControls how long the model will stay loaded into memory following the request (example value: "5m").
INFERENCE_TEXT_MODELNogpt-4o-miniThe model to use for text inference. You'll need to change this to some other model if you're using ollama.
INFERENCE_IMAGE_MODELNogpt-4o-miniThe model to use for image inference. You'll need to change this to some other model if you're using ollama and that model needs to support vision APIs (e.g. llava).
EMBEDDING_TEXT_MODELNotext-embedding-3-smallThe model to be used for generating embeddings for the text.
INFERENCE_CONTEXT_LENGTHNo2048The max number of tokens that we'll pass to the inference model. If your content is larger than this size, it'll be truncated to fit. The larger this value, the more of the content will be used in tag inference, but the more expensive the inference will be (money-wise on openAI and resource-wise on ollama). Check the model you're using for its max supported content size.
INFERENCE_LANGNoenglishThe language in which the tags will be generated.
INFERENCE_JOB_TIMEOUT_SECNo30How long to wait for the inference job to finish before timing out. If you're running ollama without powerful GPUs, you might want to increase the timeout a bit.
  • You can append additional instructions to the prompt used for automatic tagging, in the AI Settings (in the User Settings screen)
  • You can use the placeholders $tags, $aiTags, $userTags in the prompt. These placeholders will be replaced with all tags, ai generated tags or human created tags when automatic tagging is performed (e.g. [hoarder, computer, ai])

Crawler Configs

CRAWLER_NUM_WORKERSNo1Number of allowed concurrent crawling jobs. By default, we're only doing one crawling request at a time to avoid consuming a lot of resources.
BROWSER_WEB_URLNoNot setThe browser's http debugging address. The worker will talk to this endpoint to resolve the debugging console's websocket address. If you already have the websocket address, use BROWSER_WEBSOCKET_URL instead. If neither BROWSER_WEB_URL nor BROWSER_WEBSOCKET_URL are set, the worker will use plain http requests skipping screenshotting and javascript execution.
BROWSER_WEBSOCKET_URLNoNot setThe websocket address of browser's debugging console. If you want to use browserless, use their websocket address here. If neither BROWSER_WEB_URL nor BROWSER_WEBSOCKET_URL are set, the worker will use plain http requests skipping screenshotting and javascript execution.
BROWSER_CONNECT_ONDEMANDNofalseIf set to false, the crawler will proactively connect to the browser instance and always maintain an active connection. If set to true, the browser will be launched on demand only whenever a crawling is requested. Set to true if you're using a service that provides you with browser instances on demand.
CRAWLER_DOWNLOAD_BANNER_IMAGENotrueWhether to cache the banner image used in the cards locally or fetch it each time directly from the website. Caching it consumes more storage space, but is more resilient against link rot and rate limits from websites.
CRAWLER_STORE_SCREENSHOTNotrueWhether to store a screenshot from the crawled website or not. Screenshots act as a fallback for when we fail to extract an image from a website. You can also view the stored screenshots for any link.
CRAWLER_FULL_PAGE_SCREENSHOTNofalseWhether to store a screenshot of the full page or not. Disabled by default, as it can lead to much higher disk usage. If disabled, the screenshot will only include the visible part of the page
CRAWLER_FULL_PAGE_ARCHIVENofalseWhether to store a full local copy of the page or not. Disabled by default, as it can lead to much higher disk usage. If disabled, only the readable text of the page is archived.
CRAWLER_JOB_TIMEOUT_SECNo60How long to wait for the crawler job to finish before timing out. If you have a slow internet connection or a low powered device, you might want to bump this up a bit
CRAWLER_NAVIGATE_TIMEOUT_SECNo30How long to spend navigating to the page (along with its redirects). Increase this if you have a slow internet connection
CRAWLER_VIDEO_DOWNLOADNofalseWhether to download videos from the page or not (using yt-dlp)
CRAWLER_VIDEO_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SIZENo50The maximum file size for the downloaded video. The quality will be chosen accordingly. Use -1 to disable the limit.
CRAWLER_VIDEO_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_SECNo600How long to wait for the video download to finish
CRAWLER_ENABLE_ADBLOCKERNotrueWhether to enable an adblocker in the crawler or not. If you're facing troubles downloading the adblocking lists on worker startup, you can disable this.

OCR Configs

Hoarder uses tesseract.js to extract text from images.

OCR_CACHE_DIRNo$TEMP_DIRThe dir where tesseract will download its models. By default, those models are not persisted and stored in the OS' temp dir.
OCR_LANGSNoengComma separated list of the language codes that you want tesseract to support. You can find the language codes here. Set to empty string to disable OCR.
OCR_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLDNo50A number between 0 and 100 indicating the minimum acceptable confidence from tessaract. If tessaract's confidence is lower than this value, extracted text won't be stored.